
Ministries, Leaders, & Bios

Learn about the different ministries at CUMC, each ministry's purpose, and the current person in leadership.

United Women in Faith

Doris Mackall, President

Evangeline Crawford, Vice President 

United Women in Faith The United Women in Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.  We are women of passion and power, united by God’s love in our mission to support women, children, and youth. 

Men's Ministry

Lawrence Omoregbe, President

Ike Mbakwe, Vice President

Children’s Ministry

Donna Cain, Nursery Management

Young Adult Ministry

Barron Neal, Chair 


Evangelism Ministry

Stephnie Samuel, Chair

The Evangelism Ministry of Clinton United Methodist Church is the outreach ministry that spreads the gospel to all people, including non-members to share the good news of Jesus Christ to help them come to know and love Jesus. The Evangelism Ministry is an important part of the Church’s mission, which is to “Go and Share Jesus.”

Music Ministry

Pamela Stahl, Minister of Music

Avis Balkcom-Williams, Gospel Choir Director, and Pianist

Norville Hughes, Young Adult Choir Director

mental health

Mental Health Ministry

Beverly "Bunnie" Baker, Chair

The CUMC Mental Health Ministry takes a holistic approach to how we serve our congregants and members of the community. Our overall focus is the physical and mental well-being of an individual. We aim to break down stereotypes and stigmas associated with mental health issues by offering a safe environment, without judgment, and spiritual, emotional and psychological support to individuals dealing with mental health challenges.  As leaders and members of the Mental Health Ministry, we strive to reach youth and adult members of the church and within the community, by connecting them with mental health professionals to help address mental health-related concerns.

Media Ministry

Media AV Ministry

  • Carolyn Woodard, Chair
  • Kevin Augustus, Co-Chair
  • Evangeline Crawford
  • June Fauber
  • Ted Mosley

Young Adult Media Ministry Support

  • Lauren Crawford
  • Rendell Crawford
  • Ronald Crawford, Jr.

Open Hearts.

Open Minds.

Open Doors.