Thank you for finding us! You did not find us by mistake. The Clinton United Methodist Church (CUMC) Family is excited about making disciples for Jesus Christ, and has been doing so since its inception on October 31, 1965.
Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” Matthew 28:19 (NIV).

Here are some commonly asked question and their answers for people new to our church.
There is no dress code. There are folks who come in suits and dresses and others in jeans and t-shirts (or favorite sports team jersey). You are welcome to "come as you are" and wear what makes you most comfortable.
Service will start at 10:30 am each Sunday.
We welcome you to come earlier to select your preferred seats, read over the bulletin, or chat with other member before the service
We welcome any and everyone to Clinton United Methodist Church to come to our services and events. No matter what your practicing faith we welcome you to enjoy your time with us.
To be welcomed as a beloved child of God.
You can enter the church from the main doors in the building with the wooden cross on the roof (shown in the picture to the right). As you enter, you will be greeted warmly by a church member and handed this week's bulletin. Our bulletins include the order of the church service, the prayer list, church announcements, and event flyers. You are free to choose any open seat. You can drop off your child in the Children's room a couple doors down
We have a church media area dedicated for streaming the service live on our social media page.
Every service there will be an announcement for visitors to stand and introduce themselves. You are not obligated to stand and introduce yourself if you are not comfortable doing so.
Underneath the seat in front of yours, you may find either a hymnal or bible to use during parts of the service. We end the service by reciting our mission and vision statement that can be found on the back of every bulletin.
The United Methodist Church, including Clinton UMC, practices open Communion. Open Communion means all are welcome to the Lord's table. You do not need to be a member of Clinton UMC nor any other church to receive Communion. There are no age requirements to receive Communion, therefore, children are welcome and invited to take Communion if the parents wish (and do not need to have been confirmed). There will be liturgy that is call and response (printed in your bulletin). You will be invited to come forward to receive Communion. Ushers will guide you to come forward. Bread (wafers or bread) and grape juice (instead of wine) will be shared to all who wish to receive.
Welcoming! At Clinton, all are welcome and you will feel welcome from the time you enter into the building. Each service offers a time of worship through music, prayer, an inspiring message of love and hope from the Word of God, a time of giving, and a time to be in the presence of God's abundant love and grace in community.

Have more questions? Please do not hesitate to get in touch.